Why another winch?  Until now two types of winches were available on the market - overpriced branded products and low-cost imports from online vendors. MaxKraft winches bridge the gap between these two products. Furthermore MaxKraft winches are products which offer unbeatable performance at this price level. A quality winch at an affordable price - how is this possible? For various reasons: MaxKraft winches are designed in Germany where final assembly also takes place. However, the components are manufactured in Asia. This successfully combines technical know-how with low-cost production. In addition, MaxKraft's product range is small but tailored to the European market. This facilitates large-volume production. MaxKraft is produced at the same locations as the well-known trail master by maas suspension systems. This allows the full utilisation of production plants in multiple shift operation. The result is a winch program that offers quality at an extraordinary price. An additional advantage is that MaxKraft winches can be shipped together with the trail master suspension systems. This represents considerable savings in light of the continually increasing freight costs in Europe. MaxKraft winches - first-class quality When it comes to MaxKraft winches, particular emphasis is placed on user-friendly and designing sturdy, high-quality products. The design of MaxKraft winches has been enhanced and improved in many ways as compared to conventional winches. Great importance has been attached to both quality and economical production during the development of the MaxKraft winches. MaxKraft is the machinery construction division of the maas group. Various small mechanical devices such as winches, packing machines, emergency power generators and small construction machinery are developed, manufactured and sold here. MaxKraft products can be deployed quickly and without any complication, and may be used in any application whether the user is a hobby enthusiast or a professional. Moreover, a strong emphasis has been placed on the high price-performance ratio of MaxKraft products. MaxKraft is a profit centre within the maas group that implements the demands of the market whilst also fulfilling the high quality requirements in Europe. The maas group is a consortium of companies and profit centres with interests in companies in both Germany and abroad. These companies are devoted to different sectors focussing on suspension systems for off-road vehicles, automotive accessories, workshop supplies, functional wear and casual apparel for racing, motocross, quad bike/ATV, as well as small appliance engineering, automatic transmissions for commercial vehicles, market research and development as well as recultivation and renaturalisation. By bundling these individual areas, it is possible for companies within the maas group to work extremely efficiently and economically. Each profit centre is fully committed to development, marketing and sales whilst providing optimum customer service.
Why the "MaxKraft" label?  Every child needs a name - so do our winches. MaxKraft is the name given to the machinery construction products manufactured by the maas group. It seemed really logical to give this label to such technically innovative products. In recent years, all our technical experience in the rapidly developing winch market has been invested in this label. The evolution of this label is quite straightforward. As the first machines of the maas group were developed, quality and performance were, as always, a top priority. At the same time, it should be possible to offer these products at a fair price. This was internally referred to as maximum power ("maximale Kraft" in German). And hence the label was born.Maximale Kraft = MaxKraft.